

Hey Folks,

I present you the nearly complete Portable Quantum Computer otherwise know as the P.Q.C.

This device will let you control robot soldiers known as “bishops” in the 3rd person shooter game Hypovolemia.

The robots will be humanoid size and shape, but will be stronger and more resilient  than a normal human. These robots will be able to carry more weapons and see through walls…. and I get to model them. The “robo” featured in my last post will be the base for these “bishops”.


Portable Quantum Computer for Hypovolemia.
Portable Quantum Computer for Hypovolemia.
Portable Quantum Computer for Hypovolemia.
Portable Quantum Computer for Hypovolemia.


You can check out Hypovolemia >here<


You can see my portfolio at

I’ll be posting again next Saturday evening.


Notorious Inc.

Hey Folks,

My very awesome friends Sarah and Adam deGrandis over at Chickadee Games released their game Notorious on mobile platforms this week.

The game is a hilarious take on the business side of  being becoming a super villain.


Wanna buy the game??

Get it on IOS! >here<

Get it on Andriod! >here<

If you’d like to try before you buy; you can also play Notorious Inc. on your computer. >here< 

Also be sure to check out  Chickadee Games website.  >here<



In other news I have been actively work on Hypovolemia for several months now. You can check out my work in the screenshots below.

I've created a new texture for the tarpped crates. Ones with metal braces cannot be destroyed while those with out can.
I’ve created a new textures for the tarp rates. Ones with metal braces cannot be destroyed while those with out can.
I've created a new texture for the tarpped crates. Ones with metal braces cannot be destroyed while those with out can.
I’ve created a new textures for the tarp crates. Ones with metal braces cannot be destroyed while those with out can.
I've edited the sniper rifle for Hypovolemia. Another artist on the game also edited it with a longer berrel(not featured in this image)
I’ve edited the sniper rifle for Hypovolemia. Another artist on the game also edited it with a longer berrel(not featured in this image)
I've made more sandbag walls for Hypovolemia.
I’ve made more sandbag walls for Hypovolemia.
I've made more sandbag walls for Hypovolemia.
I’ve made more sandbag walls for Hypovolemia.

You can see my work >here<

I’ll be posting here again next Saturday evening.


Another beginning.

Hey Folks,

It’s been a looooong time… there is reason for that.

2013 and the start of 2014 have been very hard for me.
The kind of year that makes your hands shake, turns your soul to jelly and makes you forget how to sleep.

There were several painful (literally and figuratively) life events over the course of a year, but worst of all my mother passed away.

This came as shock and it was very sudden and I could go on in detail about this last year… but I won’t.

This blog was never meant to be my journal or delve that deep into my personal life.
It’s about my art and games.

It’s been hard to keep focus and keep working on art regularly, but I am getting my head back on straight.

My plan is to begin updating on here again.
Some of these updates will be artwork related and others will just be about gaming/entertainment in general.

I’ll be updating each weekend on Saturday evenings.

I have been updating my portfolio site and I will continue to do so.


You can see my most current work here > CLICK ME <






Hey Folks,

I have a few kinks to work out but, my Shepard Project is nearly complete.

It’s been an embarrassingly long time.

I learned a lot from this project and future projects will not doubt benefit from my time put into this character….
but damn I am ready to done with this one.

I am working on some updates to my portfolio site… more on that later.

ShepFN014net Ashep44 ShepMp5_26See you again on the 17th










Hen Pecked.

The 14th is the new 12th…
Apparently I lost track of my days.


Regrettably, I’ve been busier than I expected lately with things not related to 3D.

I had resorted to hen pecking at my projects getting small bits of work done at a time.

Below are images of my progress.

ShepMp5_6 SniperRifle2 astand2I’ll be posting on the 3rd… see you then.




Big News

Hey Folks,

I have been working steadily on several projects.

Here is a video of Hypovolemia in action. It’s the lastest version and contains a fair bit of my work including those fancy sandbags of mine. 

In other news my work was in a trailer for Artillery’s: Project Atlas.

Here is a link to the game that I was an Assistant Character Modeler on.

This is my first announced game that I’ve done as a paid gig.  I am pretty excited.
Below are images of Shepard’s Mp5 with grenade launcher still in progress.

ShepMp5_1 ShepMp5_3 ShepMp5_5
I’ve also edited the textures on my “world 1” piece. There is still a little bit of work to do on that before I can call it done and put in my portfolio.


I’ll post again on the 12th


World 1

I missed my last post due to an eye injury I had recently.

A sliver of metal made it’s way into my eye.
I am thankful to say that the metal has since been removed and I am fully recovered.

Getting back into the swing of things yet again; I participated in a local call for art with the theme of Nintendo.
Given the injury delaying my work I only had about 3 days to get this whipped up.

This is a remake of the Super Mario Bros. 3 map of World 1.

Overall I am happy with it.
I am going to go ahead and clean it up a bit more, add a few details and throw in my portfolio.




IF all goes well,

I’ll be posting again on the 22nd.


I’m back.

Hey Folks,


So this is the first time that I have not updated for a solid month.

I had taken that time off because my cat Link who I had for 15 years passed way.


I’d like to announce that I am back and I will resume my regular update schedule of every other week.

Below are a couple of images of a new asset that I am working for the GAME (no longer being referred to as a mod)  Hypovolemia.

sandbagsVisTest7 sandbagsVisTest9


I had also been work on my soldier character.  I am not quite satisfied with this character I’ll see were it takes me for now.



Anyway, see you on the 18th.


Hey Folks,

I have baked the soldier character… but I ran into a few hick ups that will need to be dealt with.
I’ll be spending some time in photoshop cleaning up some of the errors from the bake and adding a few more details.
It’s been a while since I’ve baked a character this complex, so it’s been a bit of challenge going at this one.

I maybe should have picked a simpler design, but for now i’ll keep working though it.

I have also started work on objects for an unannounced game.
Thankfully I can show you a render of my progress.

Toon Style Objects for an Unannounced project.
Toon Style Objects for an Unannounced project.

See you again on the 30th!